Professor Magnum Opus, an internationally renowned scientist, has been kidnapped. He has discovered the Elixir of Life, a secret revealed to only a few of his trusted circle. Reflecting upon the ethics of unleashing immortality on the world, Magnum understood the catastrophe it could create on a planet of greed and dwindling resources. He destroyed all but one bottle of the elixir and one copy of the document detailing the process by which it could be manufactured.
Unfortunately, one of his circle has turned rogue and will go to any lengths to uncover the hiding place of the one remaining bottle. Can you travel the world and find it before he does? It may be too late to save the life of Professor Opus but the future of humanity rests in your hands…
Due for release March 2024.
Recommended age around 11+. This is designed as a family activity. Children WILL need adult support. These are tricky!